Terms of Service

Welcome to eRasmussen.com. Please read these terms of service (“TOS”) prior to using any portion of the eRasmussen website, which consists of all content and pages located within the eRasmussen.com web domain (“Website”). These TOS are legally binding agreements between you and Rasmussen College, LLC, hereinafter referred to as “Rasmussen University,” “Rasmussen,” or “the University.”

By using this Website, you accept these TOS in full. If you disagree with these TOS, or any part of these TOS, then you must not use this Website.  Rasmussen University reserves the right to modify these TOS at any time without advance notice. Any changes to these TOS will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website, with an updated effective date. By accessing the Website after any changes have been made, you signify your agreement on a prospective basis to the modified TOS and all of the changes. Be sure to return to this page periodically to ensure familiarity with the most current version of these TOS.

Sections 1 and 4 of this TOS apply to learners registering for Rasmussen University Trainings or for eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses. Section 2 of this TOS only applies to learners registering for Rasmussen University Trainings. Section 3 of this TOS only applies to learners registering for eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses.

Section 1: Use of the eRasmussen Website

This section applies to learners registering for Rasmussen University Trainings or for eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses and solely governs use of the Website.

Rasmussen University is pleased to present this Website featuring its services available to the public. Although every attempt is made to provide accurate and current information on this site, Rasmussen University provides no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any information contained in this website, produced and provided by Rasmussen University, in any form or manner whatsoever.

Section 1.1: User Accounts and Authority

In order to participate fully in Website activities, you must provide your name, an email address, address and a user password to create a user account (“User Account”). You agree that you will never divulge or share access or to access information for your User Account with any third party for any reason. In setting up your User Account, you may be prompted to enter additional optional information. You represent that all information provided by you is factual, correct, accurate and current. You agree to maintain and update your information to keep it accurate and current.

Rasmussen University cares about the confidentiality and security of your personal information. Please see the Privacy Policy for more information about the information Rasmussen University collects about you and how Rasmussen University uses that information.

Section 1.2: Copyright

The information and material contained on the Website(s) is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, retransmitted, modified, sold, incorporated on another website or otherwise reused or published without the express written permission of Rasmussen College, LLC. Unless otherwise expressly stated on the Website, the texts, exams, video, images and other instructional materials provided with the Rasmussen University Training or eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses offered on this Website are for your personal use in connection with those trainings or courses only. No other use or reuse is allowed. This does not apply to other websites that may be linked to/from the Website. They are governed by the individual policies of the relevant providers.

Rasmussen University requires all students, learners, staff members, faculty members and guests to respect the rights of copyright holders and to comply with federal copyright law. The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing and illegal downloading using Rasmussen University computers and/or networks is strictly prohibited. Copyright violations of any kind could subject the offender to criminal and civil penalties and may result in the loss of information technology privileges or other penalties under the University’s academic misconduct policy. Under current copyright law, criminal cases of copyright violation carry a penalty of up to five (5) years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Civil penalties for copyright infringement include a minimum fine of $750 for each work. For more information on copyright, please see http://www.copyright.gov and http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf.

Copyright owners who believe their material has been infringed on the Site should contact eRasmussen’s designated copyright agent:

1415 West 22nd Street, Suite 400
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Attention: Rasmussen DMCA Agent/General Counsel

Notification must include:

  • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed
  • Identification of the copyrighted work, or in the case of multiple works at the same location, a representative list of such works at that site
  • Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity. You must include sufficient information for us to locate the material (e.g., URL, IP address, computer name)
  • Information for us to be able to contact the complaining party (e.g., email address, phone number)
  • A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that the use of the material has not been authorized by the copyright owner or an authorized agent
  • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner

Section 1.3: Use of Trademarks and Service Marks

The “eRasmussen” and “Rasmussen University” names, logos and seals are trademarks (“Trademarks”) of Rasmussen College, LLC. You may not use any of these Trademarks, or any variations thereof, without the owner’s prior written consent. You may not use any of these Trademarks, or any variations thereof, for promotional purposes or in any way that deliberately or inadvertently claims, suggests or, in the institution’s sole judgment, gives the appearance or impression of a relationship with or endorsement by these institutions.

All Trademarks not owned by Rasmussen University that appear on the Site or on or through the services made available on or through the Website, if any, are the property of their respective owners.

Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Site without the written permission of the owner of the applicable Trademark.

Section 1.4: Online Conduct

Interactive messages will not be posted if their content contains material that is: unlawful, harassing, libelous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, inaccurate or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature or that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation or that encourages the use of controlled substances. Rasmussen University reserves the right to edit interactive messaging questions for clarity.

You must not use this Website in any way that causes or may cause damage to the Website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the Website; or in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful; in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity; or in any way to interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Website.

You must not use this Website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked to) any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit or other malicious computer software.

You must not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including, without limitation, scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in relation to this Website without express written consent from Rasmussen University. You must not use this Website to transmit or send unsolicited commercial communications. Use of this Website for commercial purpose or to obtain direct financial gain (e.g. mass marketing) is prohibited.

Students, learners, staff members, faculty members and guests using Rasmussen University networks to access the Internet are prohibited from viewing inappropriate material or visiting sites that have been identified as facilitating the violation of copyright/intellectual property protections or other suspicious/illegal activity. Prohibited material could include pornographic images and illegal file-sharing programs (such as the illegal downloading and sharing of music). Violations will result in the loss of network use privileges and possibly other penalties, up to and including dismissal.

If you do not agree with any portion of this policy, you have the right to exit and not continue the session. However, if you do continue to remain on this site, you consent to this policy.

Section 1.5: Enrollment

eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses are available to individuals seeking professional development in the United States.

Section 2: Registration for eRasmussen Professional Certificate Courses

This section only applies to learners registering for eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses, and it solely governs the activities associated with registering for and completing eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses.

Section 2.1: Description of eRasmussen Professional Certificate Courses

Rasmussen University offers online courses that includes individual assessments of a learner’s work. Learners who demonstrate mastery of the subject areas for which they have registered are given a certificate of achievement or other acknowledgment once they have completed any one course or bundle of courses, which will lead to an eRasmussen Professional Certificate. The decision whether a certificate will be awarded to a given learner will be solely at the discretion of Rasmussen University.

eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses are non-credit, non-accredited, non-licensed and not intended to transfer to any institution of higher education.

All of the eRasmussen Personal Certificates are available at no cost to you.


Learners must complete all work in the course within 90 days of registration.

Section 2.2: Payment

The processing of your payment information is completed by a third-party vendor, and you will be rerouted to a secure website to complete the payment transaction. The privacy policy posted at the payment landing page operated by such a third-party vendor will govern the submission and processing of your payment details. Please familiarize yourself with those terms prior to initiating a transaction.

Once your payment transaction is completed, you will be rerouted back to a Website confirmation page and will receive a confirmation email with your name, order number and the payment amount. Please retain this email for your records.

Section 2.3: No Other Enrollment

When you register for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course, you will not be an applicant for admission to or enrolled in any degree program of Rasmussen University or any other college/university. When you register for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course, you will not be registered for a Rasmussen University Training. You will not be entitled to use any of the resources beyond the eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses provided on the Website, nor will you be eligible to receive student privileges or benefits provided to students enrolled in degree programs of Rasmussen University or privileges or benefits provided to learners registered for Rasmussen University Trainings.

Section 2.4: Course Withdrawal and Refunds

You may request to drop out of your prepaid eRasmussen Professional Certificate course and receive a full refund if your drop request is received within seven (7) calendar days of registration for the course. You have a period of seven (7) calendar days after you register for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course to unenroll from the course by clicking on the unenroll link on the student dashboard and requesting a refund by emailing [email protected]. Please include your full name and order number in your email request. Refunds will be credited to the credit card used when you registered and may take up to two billing cycles to process. Rasmussen has no obligation to issue a refund beyond seven (7) calendar days after an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course was purchased.

Section 2.5: Financial Aid

eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses have not been determined as an eligible program for participation in Title IV federal student aid programs or state aid programs, which means you will not be able to use any form of federal or state financial aid to finance the cost of the eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses.

Section 2.6: Technical Requirements

The following technical requirements are necessary to successfully complete eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses.

Section 2.6.1: Basic Device Requirements

A fully functional Windows computer or Mac computer capable of running a Windows virtual machine is required.

  • Chromebooks, Android devices, tablets and mobile phones are not recommended.
  • An internet downstream connection speed of 2 Mbps or higher is strongly recommended.
  • Processor – Intel Core i3 or higher
  • Memory – 4GB of RAM or higher
  • OS – Windows 7 or higher
  • Disk Space – at least 100MB available
  • Processor – Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3 or higher
  • Memory – 4GB of RAM or higher
  • OS – Mac OS X v10.7 or newer
  • Virtual Machine – ability to run Windows 7 using Bootcamp
Section 2.6.2: Web Browser Requirement

Firefox (current version or up to two releases behind) is the preferred browser and will work best for most learners and academic technology.

The following web browsers are formally supported and tested:

With PCs running Windows OS:
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
With Macs running OS X:
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox

Please note, there is currently no support for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Chrome on mobile devices.

Section 2.6.3: Cookies Must Be Enabled on Your Browser

A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer by the server. Cookies are a very common internet technology used by many websites, such as Amazon or eBay. Your browser has a setting that allows you to control whether you allow cookies or not.

Since cookies are so common, your browser probably already has cookies enabled. If you are unsure whether your browser is set up properly, please call the Personal Support Center.

Section 2.6.4: Required Plug-ins and Applications

Your courses may include images or animations that require the Flash plug-in. If you do not have Flash installed, or have difficulty viewing the animations, you may load the most current version of the Flash plug-in here:

http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ .



Your courses may include images or animations that require the Shockwave plug-in. If you do not have Shockwave installed, or have difficulty viewing the animations, you may load the most current version of the Shockwave plug-in here:

http://get.adobe.com/shockwave .


Acrobat Reader

Your courses may include .pdf files, which require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If Acrobat is not installed on your computer, please download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader here:

http://get.adobe.com/reader/ .


Microsoft PowerPoint

Your courses may include Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. If you do not have PowerPoint, please contact the eRasmussen Personal Support Center at [email protected].

Microsoft Word

Your courses require the use of Microsoft Word to turn in written assignments. If you do not have Word, please contact the eRasmussen Personal Support Center at [email protected].

Microsoft Excel

Your courses may require Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. If you do not have Excel, please contact the eRasmussen Personal Support Center at [email protected].

ZIP File Compression Utility

Your courses may require the use of a compression utility, like 7-Zip, to create a zipped file (i.e., filename.zip). If you do not have a compression utility installed on your computer, you may download a free copy of 7-Zip here:

http://www.7-zip.org .


Section 2.7: eRasmussen Professional Certificate Learner Honor Code

Section 2.7.1: Collaboration Policy

By registering for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course(s), you are joining a community of learners. Your motivation to learn the material and to do so with honesty and academic integrity is essential. In order to register for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course, you must agree to the Honor Code below and any additional terms specific to a class.

Section 2.7.2: eRasmussen Professional Certificate Learner Honor Code Pledge

By registering for an eRasmussen Professional Certificate course, I agree that I will:

  • Complete all assessments on my own, unless collaboration on an assignment is explicitly permitted
  • Maintain only one user account and not let anyone else use my username and/or password
  • Not engage in any activity that would dishonestly improve my results or improve or hurt the results of others
  • Not post answers to problems that are being used to assess student performance
Section 2.7.3: Violations

If you are found in violation of the TOS or Honor Code, you may be subject to one or more of the following actions:

  • Receiving a zero for an assignment
  • Having any Certificate earned in the course withheld or revoked;
  • Being removed from a course
  • Termination of your use of the Website

Additional actions may be taken at the sole discretion of Rasmussen University

No refunds will be issued in the case of any disciplinary action for such violations.

Honor code violations will be determined at the sole discretion of Rasmussen University. You will be notified if a determination has been made that you have violated this Honor Code, and you will be informed of the corresponding action to be taken as a result of the violation.

Section 2.7.4: Changing the Honor Code

Rasmussen University reserves the right to make changes to this Honor Code from time to time. Any changes to this Honor Code will be effective immediately upon posting on this page, with an updated effective date. By accessing the Website after any changes have been made, you signify your agreement on a prospective basis to the modified Honor Code and any changes contained therein. Be sure to return to this page periodically to ensure familiarity with the most current version of this Honor Code.

Section 2.8: Termination Rights; Discontinuation of Courses and Content

You agree that Rasmussen University, in its sole discretion, may terminate your use of the Website or your participation in it, for any reason or no reason, upon notice to you. It is Rasmussen University’s policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the accounts of users of the Website who are repeat copyright infringers. Rasmussen University reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to cancel, delay, reschedule or alter the format of any eRasmussen Professional Certificate course or to cease providing any part or all of the Website content or related services, and you agree that Rasmussen University will have any liability to you for such an action. If you no longer desire to participate in the eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses, you may terminate your participation at any time. The rights granted to you hereafter will terminate upon any termination of your right to use the Website, but the other provisions of these TOS will survive any such termination.

Section 2.9: Entire Agreement

Sections 1, 3 and 4 of these TOS constitute the entire Agreement between you and Rasmussen University with respect to your use of the Website for eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses, superseding any prior agreements between you and Rasmussen University relating to the subject matter hereof.

Section 2.10: Assignment

You may not assign these TOS in whole or in part. Rasmussen University, however, reserves the right to assign the rights and obligations under these TOS for any reason and within its sole discretion.

Section 2.11: Waiver and Severability of TOS

The failure of Rasmussen University to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these TOS is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of these TOS shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 2.12: Choice of Law/Forum Selection

You agree that these TOS and any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to these TOS or any content or service obtained from or through the Website will be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, excluding its conflicts of law provisions. You agree that all such claims and disputes will be heard and resolved exclusively in the federal or state courts located in and serving Minneapolis, Minnesota. You consent to the personal jurisdiction of those courts over you for this purpose, and you waive and agree not to assert any objection to such proceedings in those courts (including any defense or objection of lack of proper jurisdiction or venue or inconvenience of forum).

In the event you have any claim or action against other users of the Website arising out of the use of the Website by the user(s), you will pursue such claim or action independently and without recourse to Rasmussen University.

Section 3: Privacy Policy

This section applies to learners registering for Rasmussen University Trainings and eRasmussen Professional Certificate courses.

At Rasmussen University, the confidentiality and security of learner personal information is important. Rasmussen University will use commercially reasonable efforts to keep your personal information secure in compliance with this Privacy Policy. “Personal Information” is defined below.

This Privacy Policy only applies to information collected through the Website and does not apply to information that may be collected from you in other ways (for example, this policy does not apply to information that you may provide over the phone, by fax or through conventional mail). In addition, please note that education records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) to the extent FERPA applies.

Section 3.1: Personal Information

As used in this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means any information about yourself that you may provide when using the Website, such as when you sign up for a user account or enter into a transaction through the Website, which may include but is not limited to your name, address and email address.

Rasmussen University endeavors to limit the collection of Personal Information to what is needed with respect to specific Website activities to satisfy business, legal or regulatory requirements. If you do not wish to submit the required authentication information, then you will not be able to register for a Rasmussen University Training or eRasmussen Professional Certificate course via the Website.

Rasmussen University does not currently collect financial information from you; however, if you choose to register for a Rasmussen University Training or eRasmussen Professional Certificate course, you will be directed to a third-party payment processor, and the submission of your payment information will be subject to the terms found at the payment landing page.

Section 3.2: Collection, Use, Disclosure and Retention

By using the Website, or providing information to Rasmussen University, you understand and unambiguously consent to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of information in the United States and other countries and territories, for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy and the TOS. You hereby consent to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of your Personal Information as described under this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to the transfer of your personal data between Rasmussen University and the third parties, affiliates and subsidiaries described in this Privacy Policy. For further certainty, any consent relating to a right to transfer information referred to in this paragraph shall be deemed to include your consent to the transfer of the applicable Personal Information to a jurisdiction which may provide a different level of privacy protection than that available in your own country.

If you do not agree with these terms, then please do not access, browse or register on the Website. If you choose not to provide certain information required to provide you with various services offered on the Website, you may not be able to establish a user account, and we may not be able to provide you with those services.

Section 3.3: Information Collected and How It Is Used

Rasmussen University collects information, including Personal Information (described above), when you sign up for a user account, participate in online courses and/or send us email messages. Rasmussen University also collects certain usage information about learner performance and patterns of learning. In addition, Rasmussen University tracks information indicating, among other things, which pages of the Website were visited, the order in which they were visited, when they were visited and which hyperlinks and other user interface controls were used.

Rasmussen University may log the IP address, operating system and browser software used by each user of the Website and may be able to determine from an IP address a user’s internet service provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity. Various web analytics tools are used to collect this information. Some of the information is collected through cookies (small text files placed on your computer that store information about you, which can be accessed by the Website). You should be able to control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your web browser. Most browsers offer instructions on how to reset the browser to reject cookies in the “Help” section of the toolbar. If you reject cookies, many functions and conveniences of this Website may not work properly.

Section 3.4: Use and Disclosure to Third Parties

Among other things, Rasmussen University may use the information about you collected through the Website (including your Personal Information) in connection with the following. In cases where Rasmussen University shares or discloses your Personal Information: (1) the third-party recipients are required to handle the Personal Information in a confidential manner and to maintain adequate security to protect the information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, and destruction; and (2) Rasmussen University will only disclose and share the Personal Information that is required by the third party to fulfill the purpose stated at the time of collection.

  • To help improve learner offerings, both individually (e.g., by course staff when working with a learner) and in aggregate and to individualize the experience and to evaluate the access and use of the Website and the impact on the educational community
  • For purposes of scientific research, particularly, for example, in the areas of cognitive science and education
  • For the purpose for which you specifically provided the information—for example, to respond to a specific inquiry or provide you with access to the specific course content and/or services you select
  • To track both individual and aggregate attendance, progress and completion of an online course and to analyze statistics on learner performance and how individuals learn
  • To monitor and detect violations of the TOS, as well as other misuses and potential misuses of the Website
  • To publish information, but not Personal Information, gathered about access, use, impact and learner performance
  • To send you updates about offerings by Rasmussen University or to send you email messages about Website maintenance or updates
  • To archive this information and/or use it for future communications with you
  • To maintain and improve the functioning and security of the Website and software, systems and networks associated with use of the Website or registration in a Rasmussen University Training or eRasmussen Professional Certificate course
  • For purposes described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy (including, e.g., Sharing with Third Parties)
  • As otherwise described to you at the point of collection or pursuant to your consent
  • To authenticate your identity when you register for a Rasmussen University Training or eRasmussen Professional Certificate course
  • To process refunds, as applicable

Rasmussen University may share collected information with affiliates, and Rasmussen University and the affiliates may share this information (including Personal Information) with third parties as follows:

  • With service providers or contractors that perform certain functions on the affiliates’ behalf, including processing information that you provide on the Website, processing purchases via third party providers and other transactions through the Website, operating the Website or portions of it, providing or administering courses, or in connection with other aspects of Rasmussen University or affiliate services
  • For purposes of scientific research, particularly, for example, in the areas of cognitive science and education. However, Rasmussen University will only share Personal Information about you for this purpose to the extent doing so complies with applicable law and is limited to the Personal Information required to fulfill the purposes stated at the time of collection
  • To respond to government agencies, subpoenas, court orders or other legal process; to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or security or technical issues; or to enforce the TOS or this Privacy Policy; as otherwise may be required by applicable law; or to protect our rights, property or safety or those of others
  • With affiliates of Rasmussen University, or with successors in the event of a merger, acquisition or reorganization, for their use consistent with this Privacy Policy
  • As otherwise described to you at the point of collection or pursuant to your consent
  • For integration with third-party services. For example, videos and other content may be hosted on YouTube and other websites not controlled by Rasmussen University

In addition, Rasmussen University may share aggregated information that does not personally identify you with the public and with third parties, including but not limited to researchers and business partners.

Section 3.5: Use for Personalization and Pedagogical Improvements

Rasmussen University’s goal is to provide current and future visitors with the best possible educational experience. To further this goal, the University sometimes present different users with different versions of course materials and software. This is done to personalize the experience to the individual learner (assess the learner’s level of ability and learning style and present materials best suited to the learner), to evaluate the effectiveness of training or course materials, to improve understanding of the learning process and to otherwise improve the effectiveness of the University’s offerings. Rasmussen University may publish or otherwise publicize results from this process, but unless otherwise permitted under this Privacy Policy, those publications or public disclosures will not include Personal Information.

Section 3.6: Links to Other Websites

The Website contains links to websites published by third parties, including other content providers as well as certain service providers, such as those who process payments on behalf of Rasmussen University. These other websites are not under the control of Rasmussen University, and you acknowledge and agree that the University is not responsible for the collection and use of your information by such websites, unless otherwise indicated in this Privacy Policy. Rasmussen University encourages you to be aware when you are being redirected to a third-party website and review the privacy policies of each website you visit and use.

Section 3.7: Security

Rasmussen University has a program designed to protect Personal Information in its possession or control. This is done through a variety of privacy and security policies, processes and procedures, including administrative, physical and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Personal Information that it creates, receives, maintains or transmits. Nonetheless, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, and therefore, Rasmussen University cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Section 3.8: Changing the Privacy Policy

Rasmussen University reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon posting on this page with an updated effective date. By accessing the Website after any changes have been made, you signify your agreement on a prospective basis to the modified Privacy Policy and any changes contained therein. Be sure to return to this page periodically to ensure familiarity with the most current version of this Privacy Policy.

Section 3.9: Privacy Concerns

If you have privacy concerns, have disclosed data you would prefer to keep private or would like to access the information Rasmussen University maintains about you, please email [email protected]. Please note that Rasmussen University strives to maintain the Website in a manner that prevents malicious or accidental destruction of information. For this reason, when you request deletion of parts or all of your Personal Information, Rasmussen University may reserve the right to store copies of this information on backup servers but will in any case remove the requested information from active servers.

Section 3.10: Do Not Track Signals

Rasmussen University does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

Effective Date: August 26, 2019

Simple certificate award icon Simple chart with pen icon Simple money plant icon Simple monitor with up arrow icon Simple stop watch icon Three horizontal bars icon Right-pointing chevron icon icon-chevron-up Squared exclamation mark icon External link icon icon-util-open-window-button icon-util-open-window-link icon-util-pdf-button icon-util-pdf-link X icon eRasmussen logo Rasmussen College logo Simple money plant icon